become a battleground 意味

  • 戦場{せんじょう}となる


  1. the streets of new york city have become a battleground .
  2. in fact , the script has become a battleground of sorts
    インダス文字はある意味 3つの仮説がたたかう ―
  3. earth would become a battleground .


        battleground:    battleground 戦場 せんじょう
        battleground between:    A と B との間の戦場{せんじょう}
        battleground state:    激戦区{げきせん く}、激戦{げきせん}の州
        bravery on the battleground:    戦場{せんじょう}での勇敢{ゆうかん}さ
        ideological battleground:    イデオロギーの闘いの場
        political battleground:    政治的闘いの場
        turn into a battleground:    戦いの場になる
        make one's way to the battleground:    戦地{せんち}に赴く
        become:     become v. (…に)なる; 似合う. 【副詞1】 He will eventually become a statesman. 結局は政治家になるだろう It would ill become you to criticize him after having made the same mistake yourself. 君自身が同じ過ちをしたあとで彼を批
        become of:    ~はどうなるのか◆【用法】what, whatever を主語として What will become of the earth? 地球はどうなってゆくのだろう。
        to become:    to become 赴く おもむく 似合う にあう 来る くる 似付く につく 成り変わる なりかわる 成る なる
        become become exhausted with:    ~で疲れ果てる[へとへとになる?ぐったりする?へこたれる]
        become a bankrupt:    破産者となる
        become a barrier to:    ~への障壁{しょうへき}となる
        become a battlefield:    戦場{せんじょう}になる


  1. "become" 意味
  2. "become a bankrupt" 意味
  3. "become a barrier to" 意味
  4. "become a basis of the economy" 意味
  5. "become a battlefield" 意味
  6. "become a believer" 意味
  7. "become a best-seller" 意味
  8. "become a beta tester" 意味
  9. "become a better country through support for reconstruction" 意味
  10. "become a basis of the economy" 意味
  11. "become a battlefield" 意味
  12. "become a believer" 意味
  13. "become a best-seller" 意味

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